The Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS) was created in 2007 by the regional Government of Andalusia Region. Its scope is to promote and support the research in all areas of mathematics in the University of Sevilla. It is formed by over 100 senior members, 20 collaborator members and 40 junior members.
Mathematics at the Univerty of Sevilla has flourished since the creation in 2007 of the IMUS. The strength of the integration fostered by the IMUS is shown by the existence of a common program of activities with unified funding. During the period 2012-2016 the IMUS has organized and managed (among many other actions):
- 182 workshops, schools and conferences (many related to technological transfer).
- 75 PhD Courses within the Doctorate Program "Mathematics".
- 5 Doc-Courses (which include courses, monitored research training and presentations of results).
- 407 colloquia and seminars.
- We host almost 200 guests per year.
The IMUS has a management structure that combines executive, scholarly and representative features, and which has been instrumental in the creation of an atmosphere based on consensus and cooperation, allowing guiding the IMUS in an effective and agile manner.
The latest data from the Thomson-Reuters report on performance of research centres show that the University of Sevilla has published 776 research works in mathematics in indexed journals during the period 2012-2016.
We place special attention on transfer of mathematical technology. The IMUS has created a Mathematical Technology Transfer service, aimed at establishing contacts with industry to develop joint industrial mathematics projects. We have developed projects with companies such as IBM, Abengoa Research and Abengoa Solar, Taitus SRL, Repsol, Axa Seguros, Metrolab, Ghenova, among others.
Regarding training, the IMUS runs the PhD Program in Mathematics of the U. Sevilla, which was granted an Excellence Award by the Spanish National Research Agency. It trains 40 to 50 students since its creation in 2011, that defend 8 to 10 PhD thesis per year. Besides striving for academic excellence, our program is actively pursuing the goals of internationality, gender equality, and diversity. As a matter of fact, the IMUS has reached gender equality in trainees members.
Outreach has received special attention in the IMUS via the IMUS Scientific Culture and Outreach unit leaded by A.J. Durán, who has a long and recognized expertise in outreach. We highlight:
- School and High School education, collaborating in projects to train talented young students, including mathematical international camps for young students jointly with the Euler Foundation of St. Petersburg.
- A series of colloquia for general public, where renowned artists, writers and mathematicians present reflect on mathematics and society.
- We have created the IMUS Outreach Blog that will be used to broadcast news and ideas on different aspects of mathematics.
The IMUS has excellent research facilities: some 1.200m2 for offices, seminars, an auditorium, and an ample area for discussion and conversation.
The Mathematics Library is the third best one in Spain with an excellent collection of research journals.
We have a well-trained, motivated and experienced administrative staff responsible for the management of the budget, the projects, the PhD program and the IT facilities.
In 2017 IMUS reaches its 10th birthday, our intention is to take advantage of this event to make a global balance and analysis of the activities and achievements reached up to the moment, and to define a strategic plan to continue its development in the next years. Our purpose, is to become a reference research centre of mathematical research in the triangle Europe-Latin America- Africa, due to the strategic socio-geographic location of Sevilla.
El IMUS cumple este año su décimo aniversario. Para celebrarlo hemos organizado una jornada científica. Intervendrán Gerhard Frey (Medalla Gauss) P. L. Lions (Medalla Fields), E. Carrizosa (Catedrático Univ. Sevilla) y F. Gancedo (ERC Starting Grant).Pueden encontrar toda la información detallada al respecto en su web.
09:30 - 10:30 |
Opening |
10:30 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15 - 12:15 |
"Arithmetic Geometry: Deep Theory, Effective Algorithms and Surprising Applications" Gerhard Frey, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
12:15 - 13:15 |
"Regularity vs singularity for immiscible incompressible Navier-Stokes fluids" Francisco Gancedo, Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS) |
13:15 - 15:15 |
Lunch |
15:15 - 16:15 |
"Mathematical Optimization knocking on Earth's door" Emilio Carrizosa, Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS) |
16:15 - 17:15 |
"Interfaces / Junctions / Stratification" Pierre-Louis Lions, Collége de France |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Closing |