Event type
The CIMAgroup at the University of Seville invites applications for 1 fully-funded Postdoc position and 1 fully-funded PhD position in Computational Topology and Neural Networks. Tasks will be performed within the European project REXASIPRO and with access to appropriate equipment, facilities, and research and career opportunities. Duration: Postdoc 3 months starting in March 2023, PhD 34 months starting in March 2023. Gross salary: Postdoc 2042.11 €/month, PhD: 1630.00 €/month. Health insurance included.
- There is also additional financial support for conferences and research stays.
- The requirement to apply for the PhD position is only to be in possession of a degree.
- There will be the possibility of subsequent financing if the thesis is not completed at the end of the contract.
- The deadline for application and the details of the submission will appear here: