Modelling and Analysing the effects of the environement on the evolution of a population

Modelling and Analysing the effects of the environement on the evolution of a population
Manuel Delgado Delgado
Antonio Suárez Fernández
Seminario I (IMUS), Edificio Celestino Mutis
Jerome Coville

One of the main objectives of this mini course is to introduce new concepts and present new developpements in the modelling and the analys of the effects of the environment on the evolution of a population. The main focus  will be on nonlocal dispersal and how the environment can affect it through the modelling and analysis of different situations. The mathematical tools to analyse these models (principal eigenvalue, entropy, dispersal budget,...) will be introduced  gradually all along the course.

Horario del curso:

Martes 17 de octubre: de 10:00h a 12:00h

Miércoles 18 de octubre: de 10:00h a 12:00h y de 16:00h a 18:00h

Jueves 19 de octubre: de 16:00h a 18:00h

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